If you are a California resident, you may make your Do Not Sell My Personal Information (“DNS”) request(s) below. Before you do, we hope you will read this for additional context.
The advertising you see is critical to our ability to fund the high-quality content you expect. We strive to make this content and the advertisements you see, relevant, timely and inspiring. To help us do so, we use data to supplement the great work generated by our content creators.
This data does not typically identify you by name or other directly identifiable means. Rather, data about the content and advertising you view on this and our commonly branded sites, how you arrived at the sites, and your general location is added to unique online profiles about your browser and device maintained by us and third-party advertising, social media and analytics businesses. This data is used by each of us to help understand how our site or sites are used, to personalize our content, and to tailor advertising on our sites and across the internet to your perceived interests.
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) considers the sharing of some of this data, particularly when used for the third-party’s commercial advertising purposes, to be a “SALE” of personal data even if no money is exchanged. If you want us to stop “selling” your data, please submit your request in writing to scoot@scootinsights.com. You can also click on “Cookies Details” to make specific choices about the data “sold” on the site by controlling which cookies load on your visit.
We will continue to share data with service providers, who use the data on our behalf, after you make a DNS request, meaning you will still see advertising. This advertising may include interest-based advertising data about your visit and data from third parties.
To learn more about interest-based advertising across sites and additional opt-out choices you can visit one of the following industry sources: (http://optout.aboutads.info/#/, http://optout.networkadvertising.org/#, and http://www.aboutads.info/appchoices).